The Zappar team

Mattercraft is Now Out of Beta 🎉

AUTHOR: The Zappar team


We are thrilled to announce that Mattercraft has officially graduated from Beta to Stable! A huge thank you to everyone who has been developing with Mattercraft during this phase. Your invaluable feedback has been instrumental in getting us here!

During our Beta phase, we took the opportunity to rapidly iterate on features, make significant changes to the interface, and enhance the overall stability of the user experience and output. This period has allowed us to experiment, refine, and perfect Mattercraft, ensuring it meets the high standards our users expect.

As a team, we are now confident that Mattercraft is a robust and reliable tool... ready for prime time.

What’s New?

The Mattercraft team has been hard at work refining the user experience and interface. Here are some of the key updates:

Interface Enhancements

We’ve introduced two beautiful themes (MC-Light / MC-Dark) that automatically adjust based on your operating system’s settings. These changes were mostly visual but included a number of fixes to elements that made up the user interface. Other changes include:

  • Automatic detection of operating system to use light or dark mode 

  • Added UI to save all changes when exporting a project 

  • Show % progress when uploading files to your project 

  • Addressed an issue with quick search with inputs containing uppercase letters 

  • Fixed the “Live preview ended” error when appear in the viewport

Screenshot of Mattercraft from 2022 compared to the new 2024 UI updates

New Templates

Explore our expanding template library, which now includes templates for:

  • Raycasters

  • Triggers

  • Text

  • Physics Impulses

  • Custom Components

Our favourite is the custom component template, featuring a stunning reflective shader to simulate a mirror in your experience. We highly recommend checking it out!

Live Preview Update

Significant improvements have been made to the live real-time preview, ensuring better performance, especially when Mattercraft and the live preview device are on the same network. 

WebXR Enhancements

For those with an Apple Vision Pro, we’ve optimized Physics and Grabbable objects for a smoother experience. Additionally, xrCompatible is now set to true in index.ts, improving load performance on various devices.

New WebXR Features:

  • Added onSelect, onSelectStart, and onSelectEnd events to XRController for cross-platform select actions.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented XRDefaultLoader from rendering correctly.

  • Addressed an issue where XRDefaultLoader would take control over the render loop post-experience start.

Mattercraft is now available at a new web address: If you’ve been using our Beta version, please note that some settings may have reverted to their defaults.

Thank You!

From the entire Mattercraft team, we want to express our deepest gratitude. Your continued support and amazing creations over the past 18 months have been nothing short of inspiring. This is just the start of the Mattercraft journey and we can’t wait to show you what’s next. 

Head over to to learn more.

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